About Us
We worship together at 10:30 AM each Sunday morning every week of the year. Some people come often, and others of course are here less regularly. Our worship service is not about keeping attendance or social pressure, it is about relevant, meaningful, honest engagement with God and others. We hear the songs of the faith, wrestle with the message of scripture, reflect on the hard truths of reality, share the uplifting grace and peace that gives us hope, and pray for the world. We would be blessed if you are able to share this special gift of worship with us.
Worship is available live in our sanctuary and at our Facebook page. Online viewers do not need a Facebook account to view the service. Please see our COVID-19 page for more important information.
In 1994, Ballard Vale United Church made the decision to get serious about hospitality and declare itself an Open and Affirming congregation. In church language, that means that we have a pretty good history of seeking greater inclusiveness in our church for persons whom Christianity has often discriminated against. This means that our church family includes and affirms people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and otherwise historically marginalized because of their sexuality (LGBTQ+) in all levels of church life and leadership. In addition, we are church that tries to resist racism, we have worked to make our church more accessible by our ramps and elevator, we take justice and the actual lives of people seriously. With over 25 years of this journey celebrating diversity behind us, we are even more excited and committed for our future.
Children are always welcome at Ballard Vale United Church. We have kits that keep all children engaged during our worship services. We have a new nursery for our youngest to play and be safe. A one-room church school is offered in 4-6 week units on a seasonal basis that meets concurrently with worship.
Communion is generally celebrated the first Sunday of every month and ALL are welcome to participate in communion regardless of faith or age. Communion consists of bread and grape juice.There is also gluten free bread available.
Wear whatever you are comfortable in! Whether it is a suit or jeans, dress or pants, or something in the middle of any of those, you will fit in.
We are fully wheelchair accessible and can provide wireless hearing aids if needed. Please let one of our welcomers know how we can help you.
What We Believe
The beauty of our denomination, the United Church of Christ, is that there isn't one set of beliefs that everyone has to adhere to. You can learn more about the UCC's general thoughts and beliefs at this link.
Some of what we commonly hold close can be described in the United Church of Christ Statement of Faith, as adapted below in a version by Robert V. Moss: