Donations & Pledges
Whether you are making a one-time gift or a recurring donation, you can use our easy and secure online system. We accept credit and debit cards or you can arrange for a free electronic transfer from your savings or checking account. Please use the credit card option thoughtfully (e.g. you pay off your balance in full each month). This link will open up a new page. Thank you for your generosity in supporting the missions and ministries of Ballard Vale United Church!
Automatic Recurring Giving FAQs
We know that keeping track of giving to the church can be difficult. In order to simplify your giving, we invite you to consider automatic recurring giving as a means of supporting the church.
Recurring donations provide a steady stream of support. It is a great way to manage giving without the worry of missing a payment: you set the frequency, select the payment method and your gift continues to give over time.
You can choose to have your giving automatically sent securely to the church as a withdrawal from your bank account or charge to your debit/credit card. For even more impact, if you choose, as an additional gift to the church you are able to choose to pay the small processing fee that the church incurs for each electronic transaction. And when financial circumstances change, you can make changes to the amount or the frequency anytime.
Choosing to use automatic recurring giving helps the church rely on a predictable source of income as we pay for missions and ministries without having to remember checks or cash or interrupting your worship by logging onto our website and making a gift.
To sign up for recurring giving, click the Donate button at the top of this page under Donations. When you enter your gift information, check the box that says “make this a recurring donation.” From there, you can choose how often you want your gift repeated, from as frequently as weekly to as infrequently as quarterly. Thank you for your generosity!